Archived Message
Office of the Chancellor
Doermer School of Business to Get New Home
August 8, 2019
In a week full of good news, I am pleased to share even more good news with you.
As we announced last week, the Board of Trustees approved the renaming of the Park 3000 building to become the Richard T. Doermer School of Business building.
We are holding a news conference at the building this morning to recognize the generous contributions of the Doermer Family Foundation, the Purdue Fort Wayne Foundation, and two anonymous donors. A combined donation of $2.8 million from the donors supported the purchase of the building.
We are delighted to acknowledge the ongoing support for our university by the Doermer Family Foundation, and we’re extremely proud to have the Doermer name not only on our business school, but also on the building.
This new facility, indeed a new South Campus, represents significant growth and expansion for the university, as well as our unwavering commitment to providing a first-rate education for our students. Renovations will soon get underway and are expected to be completed next summer.
As we pause to thank our donors, let’s also congratulate the students, faculty, and staff who will benefit from their new home in the Richard T. Doermer School of Business building.
Ron Elsenbaumer