School of Music
Prospective guitar, bass, and strings concentration students must play a memorized audition consisting of three (3) works chosen from one or more genres (pop, rock, classical, jazz, country, urban, hip-hop, gospel, Latin) that exemplify your technical ability on your instrument, and your artistic expression. These pieces may be performed with a collaborative musician or recorded tracks.
Recording and Production Concentration
- Pieces should include a blues selection, up tempo selection, and one additional selection
Songwriting and Performance Concentration
- Pieces should include a blues selection, up tempo selection, and one additional selection
- One selection should be an original song/composition
Technical Skills to be Explored
- Chord voicings/spellings (comping and other patterns)
- Scales and other technical patterns
- Sight-reading
- Aural abilities and knowledge of notation or tablature
Criteria for Evaluation
- Technique
- Tempo and Rhythm
- Melody, Pitch, Harmony, Chord Voicing
- Expression and Dynamics
Equipment Available for Popular Music Major Auditions (upon request)
- Piano
- Microphone
- Audio PA/Mixer with inputs for smart phone or keyboard or other player (no CDs)
- Amplifier for bass and guitar
- Drum Kit
- Music Stands